Aaron Sonin

cat stats.csv

Occupation Student
School University of California, San Diego (2020-2024)
Major Biology w/ Specialization in Bioinformatics
Minor Computer Science

ls links


cat about-me.txt

Hello, I'm Aaron. I'm a student at the University of California, San Diego with a passion for biology and computer science.

I was always the kid that took things apart to figure out how they worked. And as it turns out, when you give a kid like that unfettered access to the internet, they'll wind up teaching themselves to code in order to understand how the magic computer box works.

When I took high school biology, I was instantly captivated. After realizing that I could study the intersection of biology and computer science, my fate was sealed.

When I'm not studying or working, you can find me hiking, skiing, reading, trying to be funny, or working on one of my projects, which you can check out below.

ls projects

duckOS A UNIX-like x86 operating system created from scratch in Assembly, C, and C++. It has a virtual filesystem with support for ext2, a dynamically linked userspace, and a work-in-progress window manager and compositor called Pond. And yes, it runs DOOM!
Notedown A markdown editor with LaTeX support for macOS and iOS borne out of my frustration with other notetaking apps. It formats the markdown as you type for a WSYIWYG-like experience without the need for a clunky UI.
GLCraft A Minecraft clone I made completely from scratch using Java and OpenGL in high school. It supports multiplayer over the network, dedicated servers, and even has a plugin API to add new blocks, items, and functionality.
IOBots A work-in-progress "game" where you can program virtual robots in assembly. It's made in C++, and right now there's an assembler and virtual CPU emulator, which can interface with virtual hardware and memory. (It doesn't look like too much yet, but you're welcome to check out the source code.)